"Most of us are happy to take 2D happy snaps with single lens digital cameras. Imagine if you had a digital camera that could more accurately perceive the distance of all objects in its field of vision than your own eyes and brain. That's exactly what a team of researchers from Stanford University are working on — and it could even be affordable for ordinary consumers."
A fantastic community called (shockingly) Conceptart! includes a great forum where you can put up your own work for critique! has some great excercises in honing your skills and also to practice for when you may be working for people, especially art directors...
well, they're not hugely amusing, cept for the big cartoon crow esp the dude playing the sax ^^, Nothing as fun as a certificate for bouncing (what were you bouncing?) But i found some old school reports and i think they're pretty funny, just like, at that age esp with large class sizes, there are so many sweeping statements and coverall terms in my old primary school reports!
most of these are for swimming or dancing pretty much, oh well (blame Matt)
I like how in the first one they spelt my name wrong! Some people just dont pay attention
i did loads of dancing exams, lost most of the certificates though, only have the really early ones
animation made with the soundtrack and based on interviews about people's first "crush" I like the idea and how its presented, and its kinda sweet i guess, i'd like to see more about other topics, the topic seems a little... superficial. nice idea though ^^