Monday, 6 October 2008


Charlie Kaufman's the writer of Eternal sunshine, Being John Malkovich and Adaptation has his first stab at directing.

Also go watch Burn After Reading, if you like the coen brothers when they do their odd ball comedies.

Here is how to pronounce Synecdoche!

TYPE and Animals

A really good insight into typographer/illustrator Rian Hughes here

And an a really cute/sad animation here

Friday, 3 October 2008

light night at the common place

if anyone would be interested in exhibit anything at light night the people at the common place have said we could potentially do something between 6 and 8. they have a PA and a projector and i'm keen to get something on there. it would be fun and a good for the common place as well as ourselves.

this isn't in anyway limited to vis com but i though some people might be keen to get involved.

email me if you are,

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Shop fronts have never been uglier.

This is an article from a while ago, but I thought it would amuse. In his usually scornful manner, Charlie Brooker vents his contempt for gaudy shop signs devoid of typographical merit.

If anyone has any good examples then post them!

V&A promotion

Read This! Guerrilla promotion taken to the next level, looks like fun!